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Hilma is harnessed to the fight against Coronavirus
Our Projects
A companies app accompanies people in isolation due to Corona for the use of welfare and health bodies, and local authorities.
Amifo4Good won the first prize in the Coronavirus Public Health Remote Hackathon of Yigal Arnon & Co law firm.
A smart system for locating volunteers in real-time for urgent volunteer services across the country. Entered into use in 'Shlomit'- a National Service association.
Connecting and Remembering
A website dedicated to the Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers, which enables thousands of live video encounters all over the country and the world to perpetuate, share and embrace the bereaved families, in cooperation with ‘Our Brothers' association.
An application for cognitive training for head injuries- has been entered into use at The National Institute for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured.
A daily testing system for the general public to map the corona spread- for the Weizmann Institute.
Digital entrance card to the workplace
In accordance to the public COVID-19 regulations
A remote training app for athletes in a wheelchair who need daily shoulder belt reinforcement.
For the use of the Israeli Association for Israel Paralympic Committee.
A memorial site for the Jewish Corona victims in the world, in cooperation with the Ministry of Diaspora, Ynet and JPost.
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