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Rak Bari
Digital entrance card to the workplace
In accordance to the public COVID-19 regulations
An application that allows daily reporting of the employee in accordance with the required rules -
His temperature, corona symptoms, and proximity to someone sick.
Once the information has been entered, the background of the app becomes purple and allows the employee to enter his workplace throughout the day.
If he is unfit to work, the app turns red and sends the worker home.

מערכת ניהול

מערכת ניהול

מערכת ניהול

מערכת ניהול

The advantages of the system
Information regarding where your employee works each day (home / office)
Automatically consolidates data into Excel sheet
Check-in and check-out attendance reports can be added. This would allow interfacing to different pay systems.
Health status of all employees
Option to add or remove questions tailored to employer needs
Attendance Report - Employee entry time
Convenient management system for export and import of workers and reports for payroll systems etc.
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