A simple system to organize the shuttle system coming in and out of the Shalva Center

Every morning, about 300 children with various special needs arrive at the Shalva Center in Jerusalem.
They come in 20 shuttles and must wait for staff to bring them to their groups.
Every afternoon, about 20 shuttles arrive at Shalva to pick up a portion of the children to return home, while other children stay well into the night.
How can the managers organize so many arrivals at at once?

How can they make sure that whoever comes in is also assigned to a return shuttle?
How can they separate the children into their groups safely?

A shuttle management system centered on staff updates for when their students arrive. The application is updated when the student is collected from the lobby.
This way, a list of kids that enter the center is made and a list of shuttles returning them to their house is created automatically.

And if a student stays at Shalva overnight?
With one simple press of a button, the system updates the organizer and he can remove the return shuttle from the list.

The system is suited to send messages and updates to every single support staff simultaneously (about 60!!!). It send a message to a staff member, only when it is applicable to their personal student as listen in the system(when their student enters the Center or needs to be brought to the pickup location at the end of their day).
Development Team:
Moriah Rothchild
Yaara Chaya
Miri Butel
Odaya Vargun
Yael Ederi
Shachar Maoz
Cana Ariel
This product is developed by Hilma
Hilma is an NGO founded by high-tech executives in 2018 to make Israel a global leader in social high-tech (Social-Tech).
Hilma develops technological solutions in the fields of health, education, and welfare. The primary focus is on disadvantaged populations and people with disabilities and instituting technological and social leadership among young populations.
Hilma develops technological solutions for the target populations of nonprofits, hospitals, and government ministries.
This way, we empower both the disadvantaged and the disabled who use technological solutions and the social services providers in Israel.
Hilma has a vibrant development center in Jerusalem that houses 70 young developers
80% of them are women!