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Combating loneliness for elderly people suffering from Dementia

אלבי טל

אלבי טל

אלבי טל

אלבי טל
Senior Citizens who are just beginning the natural cognitive decline that comes with old age start spending a lot more time at home.
This problem is exacerbated by the COVID-19 virus.
Usually, they stay at home with their spouse or caretaker without interacting with other loved ones - either due to COVID-19 or regular geographical difficulties.
The Solution:
A digital photo album containing fond family memories that incorporates interactive games between the senior’s and family member’s devices.

The embedded video call system allows the users to talk face-to-face while exploring the album and enjoying meaningful engagement from afar
Tele-Albi has three goals that aid in the treatment of dementia patients:
Social Engagement-
Connecting with many family members
Cognitive Training-
Activities that help combat memory loss
Cognitive Assessment-
Family and others can assess cognitive decline progression
Tele-Albi comprises of:

Senior Citizen Application:
Their home page consists of all their albums.
When they are in the middle of a video-chat with a family member it will show up on the side of their screen.

Family Member Application:
Similar setup but includes more administrative abilities with the calls, games, and albums.
They are able to assist their elderly family remotely with the setting available to them.
The elderly and the family member will be able to spend time together playing and watching the album together
All the data being collected through the games and albums will be used to assist Altzheimer’s disease research.
The System is beneficial to many other populations as well, including, people with cognitive functioning issues in group homes.
It can also help elderly people having difficulties with the loneliness of quarantine who do not yet suffer from memory loss.
Tele-Albi enables them to maintain familial connections and preserve their memories as well as work on their memory preemptively
This product is developed by Hilma
Hilma is an NGO founded by high-tech executives in 2018 to make Israel a global leader in social high-tech (Social-Tech).
Hilma develops technological solutions in the fields of health, education, and welfare. The primary focus is on disadvantaged populations and people with disabilities and instituting technological and social leadership among young populations.
Hilma develops technological solutions for the target populations of nonprofits, hospitals, and government ministries.
This way, we empower both the disadvantaged and the disabled who use technological solutions and the social services providers in Israel.
Hilma has a vibrant development center in Jerusalem that houses 70 young developers
80% of them are women!

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