What Should I Do?
Preparation for tricky social situations
An app for children with autism to improve their coping skills with new situations and sudden changes.

Children who are on the autism spectrum often struggle to adjust to any changes in routine. Any small schedule shift can make them anxious. Studies show that a logical and detailed description of upcoming events can help enormously, restoring a sense of security and control in their lives.

The Challenge
How can we adequately and appropriately prepare children for new experiences they are about to have?
An interactive storytelling app that narrates a future event, showcasing the child as the protagonist of the story. In this user-friendly app, the users get to choose how they respond virtually, resulting in the effects of their actions on screen. This is meant to help children weigh all their options and make realistic decisions.
Our Solution
Many children struggle with sudden changes, not just those with autism. We are working on an independent storytelling system that will allow users to create personalized stories by choosing their own adventure. The app will be geared towards a wide range of audiences, from mainstream schools to special education to anyone who has trouble coping with changes.
The Next Step
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