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Boxing Gloves

Risk Level Questionnaire

Understanding your situation in every situation

Women (and men) who suffer from domestic violence often don’t know that they’re in danger.

Due to the shame and apprehension they feel, they do not share what they’re going through with anyone and don’t seek help.

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The Challenge

How can we help them diagnose the level of risk they are at, and at the

same time allow them to maintain privacy with their spouse?

Our Solution
A personal diagnostic questionnaire designed to help victims of domestic violence (or their relatives) independently examine the level of risk in their marital relations, and get all the details and contact parties they can reach to for help.
The survey is available in Hebrew, Arabic, English, Amharic and in Russian. 
The questionnaire was written by domestic violence treatment experts in Israel and leads the victim to a questionnaire in such a way that the data is collected and measured in the system. 
Based on the answers, a measure of 'danger Level' is feedbacked and displayed immediately after completing the questionnaire, as well as all the details and contact parties the victim can reach to for immediate help.
 Additionally, our technology deletes all the data from the browser afterwards
making it impossible to trace the content of the survey.
The questionnaire is timed and will close automatically after ten minutes, deleting all
How it works?
Want to test yourself? Is there anyone you worried about?
The questionnaire development was led by the Ministry of Welfare in partnership with JDC israel and Hilma in order to provide tools for victims of violence to seek help.
Our Partners
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