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Special transportation

for individuals with disabilities

For people with disabilities -transportation is a life altering tool

that is not easy to come by.

It is necessary for many individuals to integrate, have independence, and overall improve their quality of life.


The Problem

Transportation is necessary for individuals with disabilities to receive services and integrate into a professional and educational community while maintaining their autonomy.

The multitude of transportation services in Israel are not easily accessible to people with physical, cognitive, and mental disabilities.


Even when it is made possible, other common circumstances like crowds and difficulties with bus drivers causes a large reduction in disabled people using public transportation.

This can hinder their ability to correctly integrate into their community.

Target Population (as of 2020)
800,000 people with an emphasis on those with motor, sensory, cognitive, and mental disabilities- including individuals on the autism spectrum (making up 10% of our target population).

"A person with a disability", is legally defined as someone who is physically, mentaly,  or cognitively challenged.

This can include a permanent or temporary change that causes a person to have limited function in one or more major areas.

Person with Crutches

The Solution

A specified travel system for people with disabilities

which will operate in areas throughout the country -

making travel from one place to another more accessible.

An application will be developed alongside the transportation system.

Speed-need consists

of several application-sides:


Drivers and volunteers

They receive request messages relevant to them (based on area and other factors) and choose who they can help.



They have the ability to choose from a preset list of available locations where they would like to be picked up and dropped off.


Receiver Personnel

The passenger enters his information from a private list

and the receiver gets a notification through the app when the passenger is close to his departure stop.


Contact Personnel

This can be anyone responsible for the passenger

like a worried parent or a home coordinator.

They recieve details about the trip and the driver.

They can add destinations or pickup locations as well as be in contact with the driver if a problem occurs.

How does it work?

Man with Down Syndrome Playing Violin

Dan, an individual with a cognitive disability is on his way to the offices for a regular day of work.

He picks his office location from a set list of dropoff locations on Speed-need.

The system sends a request to all the appropriate drivers in the service. The driver receives the passenger information like so:
  -Drive from Kiryat-Moshe to Talpiot
  -Vehicle Requirements: Support of cognitive limitations

Once a driver accepts, he receives all the information for the drive as well as the passengers details.

Woman Driving
Mobile Phone

Dan gets a notification that the driver is on the way.

The message includes a picture of the driver

so that Dan can identify him before boarding.

At the end of the trip, Dan and the driver report how the trip went and if any problems occured so that the experience can be improved in the future.

Opening Car Door

Meanwhile, the receiver personnel gets a notification when Dan is soon arriving at the destination so he can be ready and waiting.

Our Partners:

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-22 at

This product is developed by Hilma

Hilma is an NGO founded by high-tech executives in 2018 to make Israel a global leader in social high-tech (Social-Tech).

Hilma develops technological solutions in the fields of health, education, and welfare. The primary focus is on disadvantaged populations and people with disabilities and instituting technological and social leadership among young populations.

Hilma develops technological solutions for the target populations of nonprofits, hospitals, and government ministries.
This way, we empower both the disadvantaged and the disabled who use technological solutions and the social services providers in Israel.

Hilma has a vibrant development center in Jerusalem that houses 70 young developers

80% of them are women!

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